Theme park project photo


Complete owner representation through the entire development process provides clients a consistent, trusted, and reliable project leader. Resourcing and coordination of third-party specialists to deliver all aspects of attraction development from market and feasibility studies to land use and master planning; blue sky through final design and fabrication through installation and testing; to the hiring and training of staff to greet your guests on opening day.


Each project has its own set of parameters and criteria that will determine its success. The stages of project development are represented below with descriptions that are very broad and simplified in nature. The scope of work and services required for successful completion of each stage, is by contrast quite specific to the project type, location, budget, and schedule. Whether you are new to the industry or looking to expand your project management capabilities, Casper Consultants can be a trusted resource.

  • Planning

    All the necessary requirements of the project that must be fulfilled before any investment of time or funds are dedicated toward the creative design and development of the attraction. This stage of the project includes all studies and applications regarding the site from zoning to environmental impact, as well as alignment of funding and market and feasibility studies.

  • Concept Planning

    Once the details of site, funding, business and market parameters are determined, the concept for the visitor experience is created through a series of steps that fit the developmental needs of the client and project. The resulting deliverables provide a point of reference for all future phases of work, with a level of detail sufficient to assure the project may be completed on time and budget.

  • Design Development

    Design development includes all levels of design required to successfully move the project from concept to a level of detail that will direct how the project will be fabricated, constructed or produced. Various strategies are utilized with regard to the stages of design that optimizes schedule, budget and resources.

  • Implementation

    Everything moves to the site. Literally, rides are purchased and all designs are fabricated, constructed, produced and/or delivered to the general contractor for installation and testing. Once testing and handover of all equipment is complete, park employees are trained, adjusments made and pre-opening checklists are reviewed.

  • Opening Day